Trainees Prize
Trainees Prize (formerly Registrars)
The MSA has for many years supported education in the Midlands by offering a prize for the best verbal and poster presentations on the subject of Anaesthesia, ICM and pain management. In recent years there has been a decline in interest in the separate spring meeting.
The council has decided that this important educational event should now be a feature of the Autumn Meeting.
The Prize is open to all grades of doctors (including foundation) and Physicians Associates Anaesthesia.
Abstracts will be competitively short listed (by a panel of Senior Anaesthetists) for verbal or poster presentation (unless specified).
Five verbal presentations of 10 mins with up to 5 minutes of questioning will be held in the afternoon session.
Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals will be awarded respectively along with prize monies of £75, £50 and £25.
Poster presentations will be displayed at the venue with judging during the breaks by a Senior panel. A prize of £25 awarded to the best poster.
All submissions will receive recognition of their efforts in certificate form for their ARCPS/CVs.
I encourage you to submit an abstract by the closing date on a topic related to Anaesthesia, ICM, ACCS or pain management.
Further info on submission can be found here