MSA Summer Meeting – 7 June 2018
Midlands Society of Anaesthetists Summer Meeting
7th June 2017
Postgraduate Medical Centre, County Hospital, Stafford
0900-0925Coffee and Registration
Session 1: Perioperative Medicine and Ambulatory Surgery
0930-1005How to minimise perioperative blood transfusion (2A03, 2A05)
Dr Jane Graham, Consultant Haematologist, Royal Stoke University Hospital
1005-1045Opioid-free anaesthesia (1A02,1D01,1D02,2E01)
Dr Pavan Battu , Consultant Anaesthetist, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham
1115-1155Strategies for acute pain management in chronic opioid use and abuse (2A03,2E01,1D01,1D02)
Dr Carl Hillermann, Consultant Anaesthetist, University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire
1155-1235Day Surgery: No limits? (2A03,2A07,3A06)
Dr Ian Smith, Senior Lecturer and Consultant Anaesthetist, Royal Stoke University Hospital
Session 2: Obesity
1330-1415Anaesthesia in obese adults: hints and tips for bariatric and non-bariatric surgery (2A03,2A07,3A13)
Dr Euan Shearer, Consultant Anaesthetist, Aintree University Hospital
1415-1455Obesity as a public health issue: the role of the anaesthetist (2A03, 2A12)
Dr Susan Roberta, Stoke on Trent City Council
1520-1555Medical aspects of obesity management (1A01,2A03,2A07,2A12,3A13)
Dr Venkata Katreddy, Consultant Endocrinologist, Royal Stoke University Hospital
1555-1630Anaesthesia for obese children: hints and tips (2D02,3D00)
Dr Elin Jones, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital
Register at :
Consultants/Associate Specialists/Staff Grade: £95 per head
Trainees/Retired (from NHS): £60 per head
5 CPD Points
Please contact Sue Millerchip via e-mail on: for a registration form.
[Pre-booking is essential)